Friday, October 19, 2012

This Week In Review...

First graders finished up their reptile activities this week. They listened to a story about Turtle's day and then worked on a writing activity to share what turtles have, are, and can... Many of their activities are kept in their Science notebooks for you to see later. It is a nice safe place for all of our thinking. We also made a crocodile to take home. We learned the difference between an alligator and crocodile and sang a song to share at home. We also finished up with a reptile quiz. Great job, first grade friends.

2nd graders worked on weather once again, but this time we focused on temperature. We came up with a great list of things that are hot and things that are cold. We then learned how to read a thermometer. We saw what happens when a thermometer goes in different temperatures of water. We recorded different temperatures in other parts of the country.

3rd graders are learning about the three types of rock: sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous. We viewed a variety of great rocks and then worked on understanding the definitions. We will be categorizing rocks next week and checking for hardness.

4th graders continued to work on circuits. We experimented with opened and closed circuits and built schematics. We used our new vocabulary to understand the components and what every circuit needs to work.

5th graders floated their lifeboats this week. They tested their control boat the Titanic. Then they tested the other 4 boats they made to see the maximum capacity of each of their boats. Next week, they will compare the different boat sizes to the different boat companies to see if other groups were able to get similar results.